Erin & friends in Minnesota.
We are amazed & humbled by the gift of a dear sister, a single mom, who recently sent $3,000 to help us get to Suriname. It reminds me of the story of the widow's mite (Mark 12.41-44). Jesus watched as many rich people gave great sums at the temple. Then a widow gave two small copper coins, which was all she had to live on, and Jesus commended her, saying: "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing...For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty." What faith this widow demonstrated, freely giving all she had despite her own desperate needs, and trusting that God would provide for her, even if she gave all she had away. This kind of faith sees the unseen God, and rests in his love & care & promises. She knew that God would provide her needs, and gladly gave out of love for God & her neighbor. Jesus saw what she did, and God always sees what we do of faith-born love toward him. We can be sure that this widow did not lose her reward from the faithful God.When we serve God out of a genuine faith in Christ & love toward God, God promises to reward us (Hebrews 11.6; Mark 9.41; Luke 6.35). God graciously will provide our needs in this life, though such blessings will be mingled with sorrow & suffering (Mark 10.29,30), but our real inheritance & reward comes when Christ returns (Matthew 25.31-40).
We praise God for this sister, and for all who are supporting us in prayer & financially. We share these things with you, so that you will know how God is using you in this ministry, and thus be able to rejoice & worship God together with us. We look forward to the day when we can report how God has opened hearts in Suriname, and when he has raised up elders to lead the new churches.